You may have noticed a real uptick in the content on this blog. That’s thanks in large part to some wonderful folks who have helped me out by writing anything from recipes to reviews … and everything in-between.
On a personal level, I am beyond appreciative of these people. It’s hard work to keep up a blog by your lonesome, and, quite frankly, readers tend to get bored with hearing the same “voice” day in and day out. These writers provide different viewpoints and opinions. Also, I love keeping content fresh and plentiful, but it’s just not feasible (for my health and pocketbook) to eat out all of the time. They provide a much needed break for me.
And they all do it for free. There’s never been any money involved with this blog and never will be. It’s also why you’ll never see any advertisements on the site. Simply put, like me, they do this for fun. I wanted to say thank you to them and also put together a little rundown of who they are and what they write, so you’ll be a little more familiar with each writer.
Jarred Kibbey
Jarred highlights dishes from around town in The Dish, but he’s also starting to write more random features like this one about Kemuri’s brunch. Jarred knows his stuff and I’ve rarely, if ever, been steered in the wrong direction by one of his restaurant recs.
Sara Davis Christie
Sara writes Sara’s Eats and is the master photographer behind “Sara’s Sh*tty Pics,” a bi-weekly post on the TMR Facebook page featuring crappy pics of great-tasting dishes. As for Sara’s writing, it’s a perfect balance of enthusiastic personality and straightforwardness that is truly fun to read.
Ananth Ranganathan
My man Rango and I team up each month for a fun review called Rango & Rib, where we pick out a restaurant, dine together without talking about the dish we’ve selected for the review, and each write separate opinions on the dish. Rango has a great sense of humor (just don’t tell him that), but, like me, takes the piece very seriously.
The better half of my He Said, He Said restaurant review feature, Woo is a freaking book of food knowledge. Like he literally has more cookbooks than any human on earth. Dude is smart, focused, and incredibly talented. Just read this piece he did a few months back on K Hall and Sons.
Chef Ken Dempsey
Ken is a master bbq-er, great chef, and just one of my best buds. Somehow I’ve convinced him to pass along some of his smarts in the form of Pit Boss, a recipe series focused on bbq and overall cooking suggestions. Do yourself a favor and check out his post on pork butts or this one on The Green Stuff.
Jim Rassinier
Hey, this blog covers the full spectrum of food, and my buddy from Houston, Jim Rassinier, features the latest and “greatest” in the world of fast food with The Junkie. Jim and I became pals after he would troll me during my Houston writing days. Animosity turned to friendship after we finally broke bread.
Also, a special thanks to Zara Abbasi, Blake Flemister, and Mallory Burns who have recently helped out with contributing posts. The blog is always open to them. Finally, thank you to my wife, Sara, who is my Editor-in-Chief. We joke about that title, but she really does an amazing job looking over each post before it goes up, helping ensure that I don’t look like a complete ass hat. That’s a critical job.