Ever wonder what other foodies are thinking? Me too!

1. What is the name of your blog? Boston Rookie

2. Could you describe your blog in one sentence? I wanted to start a blog to document my experiences (living, traveling, and eating) living in New England.

3. How did you get into food blogging? I’ve been blogging for a few years, but focused on crafts, baking, and running. When my husband and I moved to Boston, I decided to start another blog to document our experiences and to keep family and friends updated on life in Boston. I started following local blogs (Cambridge and Boston) and found out about Cupcake Camp and then Boston Brunchers. Since being involved in both of those events, I have been making more blog posts about food and food adventures. I’ve also met more local bloggers which has more increased my interest in food and motivated me to include more posts about food and restaurants.

4. What’s the toughest part of writing about food? Remembering how things taste and taking pictures (before eating) are the toughest parts about writing about food. I don’t normally blog immediately, so sometimes it’s hard for me to remember all the details.

5. What’s been your favorite food moment? My favorite food moment was my first Boston Brunchers event when I realized how fun eating with other food bloggers could be.

6. Do you have a top restaurant? If so, what’s the name and is there an item you generally order? No, I don’t. It’s a little embarrassing, but I’m still finding my way around the Boston food scene.

7. What’s one U.S. city you’d travel to just for the food? I’ve heard that Seattle is great.

8. Is there a food you absolutely despise? Mushrooms. I can’t stand the texture.

9. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever eaten? Hmm, I’m starting to become adventurous now but nothing particular comes to mind. We traveled to Vietnam a few years ago and we had a few meals ordered by our local guide and we weren’t sure exactly what we were eating.

10. Are you more likely to stick with what you know, or do you try something new each time? I’m all about going to new places right now, especially since I’m new to the area- plus there are so many places to try. But once I find a place, I normally stick with a certain dish or two.

*All images provided by Boston Rookie

1 Comment

The Mighty Rib October 28, 2011 at 7:05 am

I absolutely refuse to believe someone could hate mushrooms:)

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