We are constantly on the prowl for great products!  This week, we stay local!

There’s a pretty good chance you’ve had some bread from the Slow Dough Bread Co. here in Houston, and had absolutely no clue.  They supply many a restaurant.

But I found some at Revival Market the other day.  I believe their products are also sold at a few other farmer’s markets.  I love the little pretzel rolls!  Put a little butter in the middle of these bad boys, and you’ve got yourself a delicious snack…or meal.

I remember eating at a restaurant about 15 years ago.  I tried some bread they put on the table, and commented to my friend how much I enjoyed it.  His response, “Have you ever had bad bread?”  Of all the random sh*t you store in the memory bank, and I chose to hold onto that nugget all these years.  But for the most part, he’s right.

My point…almost all bread is good, Slow Dough is great.