Fried Catfish Sandwich at Burge's

Fried Catfish Sandwich at Burge’s


We absolutely love our fried catfish in this town, so when I asked the other day on Facebook what your favorite restaurant was that serves up this Southern classic, there was a great response. Forty-six different restaurants were mentioned, to be exact. Here’s a list of every place and the number of votes each restaurant received.

Tier I (each restaurant received between 21-30 votes)

Flying Fish
Eat My Catfish
Soul Fish Café

My Take: I’ve eaten at FF and Eat My Catfish and definitely agree they are some of the better versions in Little Rock. Soul Fish was mentioned a lot, and is still fairly new to town, so that was an impressive showing for the downtown eatery.

Tier II (each restaurant received between 5-10 votes)

Bobby’s Café
Lazy Pete’s
The Faded Rose
Lassis Inn
Smokin’ Buns BBQ & Catfish
Grandpa’s Catfish House

My Take: Burge’s and The Faded Rose both serve up outstanding fried catfish, the latter of which is super thin and crispy. I’ve been to Lazy Pete’s a few times, but have never tried the catfish a few times. Very underrated restaurant that doesn’t get a lot of attention, but apparently serves up some mean catfish. I’ll have to go check that out in the near future. Lassis Inn has great catfish, although I’d definitely rate a few others in town a little higher, but a visit to Lassis combines food, history, and an amazing atmosphere.

Tier III (each restaurant received between 1-4 votes)

Mick’s BBQ
BJ’s Market Café
Brewsters II Café
Crazee’s Café
1515 Café (Fridays)
Chicken Wang Café
Maddie’s Place
Riverside Grocery
Heights Taco & Tamale Co.
Pig’N-Chik BBQ
Cajun’s Wharf
Cock of the Walk
Uncle Dean’s Catfish & Such
Peter’s Fish Market
South on Main
The Oyster Bar
Saline Memorial Hospital
Homer’s West
Thirst N Howl
Captain Tom’s
The Wing Shack Bar
C & S Restaurant
East End Café (Fridays)
Davids Family Kitchen
The Hook
Dixie Café
Catfish City

My Take: Granted, I don’t eat a ton of fried catfish, but, damn, there are several places in this tier that I’ve never even heard of, much less eaten the catfish at. Personally, I’m a huge fan of the version Brewsters is cranking out and would rate it as the very best I’ve eaten in town.

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