My random thoughts…brought to you once a week!
- Jonah Hill…dude…eat a cheeseburger…stat! Save your career and get back to being pleasantly plump! I’m all for losing weight, but d@mn!
- Dunkin Donuts now has k-cups! I repeat…Dunkin Donuts has k-cups! The last time I was this happy was when my wife stopped watching Greys Anatomy.
- Quote of the Week: “Dad, can’t a girl poop twice?” –My oldest daughter in reference to her younger sister’s irregular daily bowel movements.
- Every Houston Texan football season reminds me of the movie Groundhog Day.
- Soap Box: I swear…if I see another 5-year-old treat the public park like it’s his own personal toilet bowl, I’m gonna go ape sh*t. PARENTS…when you take little Johnnie to play, divert attention away from your precious iPhone once every twenty minutes, and make sure he’s not urinating on an oak tree.
- I have a legitimate fear of used Q-tips. Ever seen one just lying there on the sidewalk? I’d rather touch a venomous snake.
- Spam Name of the Week: August Fox
- This kind of stuff is so subjective, but for me…here’s the funniest scene in movie history.
- It’s tacky, but I just might buy this shirt.
- I took this picture last week as I walked out of the Sam Adam’s Brewery Tour here in Boston. So, the question…why did I take this picture? The correct answer gets my never ending respect!
“The last time I was this happy was when my wife stopped watching Greys Anatomy.”
There are always plenty of unique awesomeness in these weekly posts.
Thanks SirRon. And sorry about missing Pie Hole this week. That Monday night Texans game got me.
It’s your favorite food truck?
You are warm lalleepop. I’ll give you a hint…it might be my favorite food truck, but I’ve yet to eat there.
You’re just a few clicks away from the right answer.
It’s because they have a Mighty Rib Melt.
Bingo!!! And of course…review pending! BTW, Mike you have my never ending respect.
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