My random thoughts…brought to you once a week!

  • I sneezed at least fifteen times on the drive to work the other day.  No joke, 15 times! That was after I dumped coffee in my lap.  Not a good morning.
  • They say that there’s nothing like a baby’s laughter.  I say there’s nothing like a baby sleeping past 6 a.m..
  • Pet Peeve: I drink a lot of coffee.  I almost never can finish the last sip of any cup.  It’s always too cold, and who wants to throw it back in the microwave to heat up a sip?
  • There are two types of kids in this world—those who like vacuums and those who do not.
  • I had a Seinfeld moment while driving around this week.  I actually saw a homeowner selling computers out of his garage.
  • Let me get this straight..Puff Daddy became PDiddy, and is now Puff Dirty Diaper Daddy?  Or something of that nature.  I watched his performance on SNL last Saturday…embarrassingly bad.
  • I absolutely love the horrific diamond commercials that run every five minutes this time of year.  My favorite—the two d-bags skating on a frozen lake.  The male d-bag is stumbling around.  The female d-bag goes to catch his fall, they embrace and there it is…the new Togetherness Diamond.  Two become one as they stand united on the ice.
  • Boardwalk Empire was awesome.  I had my doubts after the first few episodes, but that show is strong…maybe the strongest currently on television.


natalie December 8, 2010 at 5:57 pm

We saw Diddy on SNL too, horrible performance.

Kevin December 8, 2010 at 6:37 pm

I’m sorry, don’t you mean PDiddy Dirty Daddy Diaper?

Sara December 9, 2010 at 8:52 am

Maybe next he’ll just be a symbol, like the artist formerly known as Prince.

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