Below you’ll find a variety of some of the newer products, businesses, drinks, and various food items that I’ve come across during my culinary adventures over the past month or two. I wanted to help spread the word—giving you a quick heads up–just in case you weren’t aware of them.
The Food Truck Stop in Downtown
Are you aware that we now have a designated location for food trucks in downtown? I’ve been a few times over the past two months and am so impressed with layout, facility, and overall location. The Little Rock Food Truck Stop is at 801 South Chester Street and runs from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. on Monday-Friday.
Zara’s Cinnamon Roll Cake
I’ve mentioned it … Daniel Walker has mentioned it … and now it’s time for you to order it. Zara Abbasi Wilkerson’s Cinnamon Roll Cake is the real deal. I’ve had several of Zara’s cakes over the past few years and this one now sits at the very top of her desserts. It tastes exactly like a cinnamon roll, but it’s a cake.
Speaking of cinnamon rolls, go check out Walker’s latest write-up of Cinnalightful—one of Little Rock’s newest dessert makers. Starting April 2nd, you can find Cinnalightful at The Drug Emporium (9112 Rodney Parham)
The Root’s Expansion
Go check out The Root’s FB page to get see the latest on their new dining room expansion project. The restaurant has been doing some dinner pop-ups to test the waters, and I imagine once the new addition of the restaurant is complete, we’ll start seeing a roll-out of a dinner service. This is great news, as the only thing that’s been holding this restaurant back is space.
Moody Brews’ Oatmeal Pale Ale at Vino’s
Josiah Moody is a great beer-maker. Rarely, if ever, have I walked into a place and gotten a growler of beer without tasting the actual beer first. That’s what I did a few weeks ago with his Oatmeal Pale Ale at Vino’s. Josiah is like that awesome bartender or chef that you trust to make you anything … and you’ll end up loving it. Anyways, go to Vino’s and try out one of his newer creations.
Raptor Ridge Wine
Last week, I attended the Raptor Ridge Wine Dinner at South on Main, and while I’m no stranger to the wine itself, I haven’t plugged it before. Well, here’s me plugging it. I’m certainly an amateur wine enthusiast, but have always loved great Oregon pinots and Raptor Ridge is a great pinot. You can find Raptor Ridge all around town, but I’ll put in a mention for O’Looney’s in WLR.
Honey Pies
Owner/baker Sharon Woodson of Honey Pies is still relatively new to the Little Rock food scene, but she’s really starting to build a loyal following. I’ve tried several of her pies, but my current favorite is the Chocolate Fudge Brownie Pie. It really holds true to its name, tasting exactly like a delicious, moist brownie … with a crust.
New Exhibit at Deluca’s
Local artist and good friend, Yang Branch, owner of Y Illustrations, will have her original art on display (and for sale) at Deluca’s throughout the entire month of April. Yang does such wonderful work, so please make sure to check it out beginning this Friday.