I got a craving for a Big Orange Midtown turkey burger last night, so I piled the kids in the car and headed over. The restaurant, per usual, was hopping, but not so crazy that we couldn’t immediately get a table.

The kids ordered burgers and fries from the kid’s menu, I got the Mushroom Melt Turkey Burger with sweet potato fries, and my wife, upon my suggestion, opted for the Mulligatawny. I’ve never eaten this soup at Big Orange, but it comes up quite often on the blog from commenters who speaking glowingly about it. My wife wasn’t feeling well and the Mulligatawny sounded good.

Turns out, it was excellent, at least far as I could tell from my one spoonful of the delightful curry based soup. My wife gobbled it up and gave some positive remarks, so it is definitely something I’d consider ordering for myself next time around.


As for my burger?

I’ve written this many times, but I’m not quite sure how Big Orange is able to get turkey to taste so flavorful and juicy. The perfectly grilled patty with the combination of gooey, melted cheese, mushrooms, and onions was spot-on. My only issue is with the bun. It’s just too big and thick and overwhelms the other ingredients. I ended up tossing the bread to the side about halfway through. Next time, I’ll probably go bun-less, which is probably a good idea for my waistline, anyways.

Mushroom Melt Turkey Burger

And no surprise, the thick and crispy fries were awesome, and that includes both the traditional and sweet potato waffle cut version. Service was also excellent. I believe our server’s name was Jacqui and she was knowledgeable, friendly, and quite attentive.

All and all, it was a very positive experience at Big Orange Midtown.


1 Comment

Jean Payne October 25, 2018 at 12:25 pm

I totally agree on the bun situation. I call them poofy buns.
Too much !

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