Monthly Feature
Lyndi knows what it’s like living without certain foods due to allergies, sensitivities and conscience.

Fact: When you discover you can eat a favorite food that you haven’t been able to eat for decades; it does taste even better than the memory.

Fact: When you discover you can imbibe to your gluttonous delight, it seems perfectly acceptable to consume massive quantities of said favorite food. You reason it’s because you “deserve it.”

Fact: Massive amounts of decadent food = weight gain.

The scale doesn’t lie.

A food scale, that is.


1. A food scale will help you understand the (sometimes) confusing nutritional labels on many foods. After all, do you REALLY know what 1-ounce slice of Brie cheese looks like? What about 5-ounces of wine? It might surprise you, too.

2. A food scale will help you extend your groceries. Since you now know how to understand and read the confusing nutritional labels, your snack and meal preparation will be centered on portion control. And let’s face it; we American’s over do it. Often.

3. A food scale can inspire you to plan out your snacks. There is something extremely satisfying about heading to work or play and knowing you are prepared with healthy (and appropriately portioned) snacks. I have found that it has given me insight into adding variety into my snack bag.

4. A food scale can open up your cooking portfolio to include European recipes. I myself am a fan of French and Italian blogs and the British version of Ideal Home magazine. These all include scrumptiously inviting recipes yet I have previously been stumped to prepare those recipe since ingredients are provided in ounces, not cups. Not a problem anymore with a food scale.

5. A food scale can be educational for your entire family. Whether you personally need a refresher on portion control or not, involving your children in the weighing process will be a great education for them, too. Train up a child in the way they should go, right?

Your next question may be, “how do I know which scale is best for me?”

There are a lot out there and many stories of performance dissatisfaction. Might I suggest you do what I did? I reached out to and found out which scale ranked highest by test kitchen. As a result, I purchased my OXO digital scale from Williams-Sonoma and it works perfectly for me and is oh-so-easy to use!

My new reality?

Fact: Enjoying Brie in appropriate-portioned servings now actually inspires me to savor every bite and focus on the supreme deliciousness and joy of this heavenly food.

My personal weight scale also thanks me.

Happy Eating!
