Monthly Feature
Lyndi knows what it’s like living without certain foods due to allergies, sensitivities and conscience.

How have I lived this long without knowing about stale ice cubes?

Saturday evening we spent the night at my in-laws home and we had a great visit. Grilled salmon, mashed potatoes, salad, wine, and cocktails: Ahhh… all the makings of a guaranteed great evening.

Yet this was the night I realized I have lived my entire life without knowing about… (wait for it)…stale ice cubes.

While preparing drinks for the guests, I innocently reached into their freezer to access the ice cubes and quickly became perplexed. What was this next to the ice cube bucket? A Ziploc® freezer bag filled with ice cubes. “Mom,” I asked, “What is the bag of ice cubes? Do I use those or the ones in the bucket?” From the living room my mother-in-law answer, “Use the fresh ice cubes. The ones in the bag are stale.”

Stale? Ice cubes? Who knew?

The best part about this conversation is the fact that they have an artesian well. Which means = crystal-clear and amazing-tasting pure water. Apparently crystal-clear and amazing-tasting pure water can get stale if ice cubes aren’t consumed right away.

So, please spread the message to your loved ones. Replace your ice cubes often for an optimal drinking experience.

Side note to my mother-in-law: I think it is great that you respect your drink. Cheers!

Lyndi contributes to The Mighty Rib, but please check out her food blog when you get a minute.


mmm good May 31, 2011 at 6:37 pm

Of course we are dying to know if you did a taste comparison of the cubes? What does a stale ice cube taste like?

The Mighty Rib May 31, 2011 at 7:39 pm

I’m going to let Lyndi field this question.

nwafoodie May 31, 2011 at 8:18 pm

Seriously, I scoffed at it… but would you believe there WAS a difference?!! It’s hard to explain… it’s like tasting the difference between tap water and good spring water. It’s just enough different that it’s worth it!!

You gotta try it!! 🙂


The Mighty Rib June 1, 2011 at 6:31 am

I know exactly what she is talking about. I promise to set up an experiment and report back!

TomR June 5, 2011 at 11:21 am

I’ve heard of fruit juice ice cubes and coffee ice cubes, but never has ‘stale’ ice cubes crossed my mind, ’til now. Wow. Tempted to toss the whole batch now in the freezer and start afresh, so to speak.

The Mighty Rib June 6, 2011 at 3:11 am

Coffee ice cubes! Why have I never thought of this? Great idea!

nwafoodie June 6, 2011 at 4:46 am

Coffee ice cubes is BRILLIANT! Tom, you are a genius!

The Mighty Rib June 6, 2011 at 9:01 am

I tell you…when I get settled, I am definitely trying coffee ice cubes out.

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